Doctors of Physical Therapy
Credentialing Specialist - Physical Therapy (Information Technology)
Maintain up to date records of therapist credentials
Complete and submit enrollment applications
Ensure timely and accurate credentialing & re-credentialing if physical therapists with insurance networks (Commercial, Medicare & Medicaid plans)
Assist with credentialing & contracting follow ups with all health plans
Assist with directories and listings with health plans
Track expiration dates for licenses and Insurance for therapists
Work with the Billing and RCM to prevent claim denials related to credentialing issues.
You will provide the following in your home office:
Highspeed Internet connection (Minimum 75/10mb)
75mb download
10mb upload
Quite space for office set up (for audio/video Calls)
Desk set up near carrier Modem to provide "wired" connection
DPT will provide the necessary IT equipment for your office.