Child Action, Inc
Child Care Coordinator (Personal Services)
Presents and provides child care information at meetings, presents agency services to the community, answers community questions to clarify laws and regulation for child care licensing
Collaborates with community partners and department staff to provide resources, consultation and support to child care providers
Develops and maintains relationships with the child care and early care and education programs
Provides technical assistance on mentoring, quality child care practices and environments, child development and parenting issues, regulations, licensing, zoning, and public policy affecting children
Develops, provides and/or promotes workshops, training and educational opportunities for childcare professionals including family child care home providers and child care center classroom staff and administrators
Provides stipends and/or equipment necessary to provide quality child care services
Conducts site visits and provides mentoring, coaching, and consultation to child care providers
Coordinates and conducts workshops and trainings on health and safety, child development, quality childcare, child care business planning, and best practices
Assists in documenting and maintaining project information and statistics for Unit Program Reports
Collects, compiles and maintains participant information for all Unit Programs including training, technical assistance and incentives received
Coordinates, provides and delivers services to non-English-Speaking communities in Sacramento County
Liaison to Community Care Licensing Division providing technical assistance to licensing workers and providers
Integrate strengths-based strategies into services provided to parents and child care providers
Participates in community education including community fairs and events
Attends staff meetings, training and unit meetings
Participates in the assessment, planning, and development of program services
Documents and tracks participant activity for program reports and service planning
Provides technical assistance and referrals to "walk-in" clients
Registers and facilitates workshops, training, and educational opportunities for caregivers, child care professionals, and parents
Performs other duties as assigned